We have setup a social media account with the following pages/apps. These are setup as the HVC Booster Club social media accounts and do not belong to any one person but to the club. Please take a moment to add us to your social media networks. We will do our very best to keep you informed throughout the upcoming year.
Below is a list of social media links we have setup. Most are set to cross post automatically. If you would like us to use another form of information distribution please let us know!
- Fan Page- Allows parents to share photos of their children and share their excitement with the general facebook population.
https://www.facebook.com/High-Voltage-Cheer-Athletics-Fan-Club-1186977164655442/ - Group - This is a private discussion board for members of the High Voltage Cheer Family.
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1691140124478697/ - Profile- In an effort to keep this all organized there is also a profile created on facebook named HVC Booster Club. This is a way for us to follow inspirational and cheer related activities and share them with you on your facebook wall
- Be sure to end all your photos and proud Cheer Parent momes that you post on Facebook with the hashtag #HVCCHEER this will allow us to capture those moments and share them with the entire cheer family.
- https://www.instagram.com/hvcboosters/
- Be sure to end all your photos and proud Cheer Parent moments that you post on Instagram with the hashtag #HVCCHEER this will allow us to capture those moments and share them with the entire cheer family.
- Our snapchat user name is HVCBOOSTER
Text Message
- https://web.groupme.com/chats
- We will work to keep cheer teams group chats to a minimum of discussion and more vital information. This is a great tool for us to use during meets, and for quick distribution of information
Google Calendar
- https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=hvcbooster%40gmail.com&ctz=America/Chicago
- Many of us plan our family lives around google calendar and this will be one we can easily add to our personal calendar.
If there are any social networks our athletes or family members use and would like to be added to this list please message me at hvcbooster@gmail.com
Additionally, I am always looking for help, suggestions, comments or changes. I have felt for the past year many parents shared my feeling of lacking communication. So hopefully by offering these services we can open those lines of communication in a manor that suits the masses. This is all setup to be able to be passed down to whomever would like to manage it all year. I have NO pride of ownership. I hope that it helps us all feel informed.
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